Powerful gomes can communicate by writing on a Gome Bulletin Board (which they often just call Gome Boards). When a message is written it is sent to all the other Gome Boards across the planet but they are only readable by the gome they are intended for (by applying jasmine dew that has been tagged with that gome’s personal signature). This is like an encrypted broadcast communication.
Here is a description in Chondrite Vault of Wullie reading a Gome Board in Dervaig church on the Island of Mull to get a message fro Jade-Tsi-Dong:
“Wullie pulled the ornate silver stopper out of the bottle and let a single drop of liquid hang from its end. He held this in front of his mouth and blew gently. A fine spray of mist spread out in front of him covering the wall in shimmering dampness. The rock began to glow and sparkle as if tiny fireflies were dancing on its surface. Hugh rubbed his one good eye in disbelief. The tiny symbols that were engraved into the surface of the rock began to move and rearrange themselves. Wullie stood rooted to the spot, his concentration complete. Hugh waited for several minutes before daring to interrupt him.”